
面试题26. 树的子结构


做题链接:面试题26. 树的子结构


本题很显然,使用 DFS 算法。

当然我们要注意,当 val 的值相等的时候,不仅仅要去做判断,还要递归看是否存在子树中



class Solution:
def isSubStructure(self, A: TreeNode, B: TreeNode) -> bool:
def check(A, B):
if not B: return True
if not A: return False
if A.val != B.val: return False
return check(A.left, B.left) and check(A.right, B.right)

def recur(A, B):
if not B: return True # 判断子树中,空子树是认为True的
if A and B:
if (A.val == B.val) and check(A, B): # 如果是节点相等的话,就去判断是否是子树
return True
return recur(A.left, B) or recur(A.right, B) # 不相等的话,递归检查是否位于左右子树中
return False
if not B: return False # 符合题意
return recur(A, B)


  • 在 return 中,加入bool(A and B) 来代替 if not A and not B: return False ,显得更加简洁
class Solution:
def isSubStructure(self, A: TreeNode, B: TreeNode) -> bool:
def recur(A, B):
if not B: return True
if not A or A.val != B.val: return False
return recur(A.left, B.left) and recur(A.right, B.right)

return bool(A and B) and (recur(A, B) or self.isSubStructure(A.left, B) or self.isSubStructure(A.right, B))

# 作者:jyd
# 链接:https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/shu-de-zi-jie-gou-lcof/solution/mian-shi-ti-26-shu-de-zi-jie-gou-xian-xu-bian-li-p/